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Master of Civil Engineering | Context - Context
Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering
Master of Civil Engineering In Context

Do you look at some of the most spectacular feats in engineering and wish you had some part to play? Perhaps it’s the towering Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the Chunnel — a 31-mile tunnel beneath the English Channel that connects England and France — or maybe the Eiffel Tower; each standing as a triumph of civil engineering that has caught the world’s attention.

A civil engineering graduate degree can put you on the path toward making your mark on the modern landscape.

What is a master’s degree in civil engineering?

Civil engineering has been a vital part of human civilization since the beginning. The first recorded instance of civil engineering was in 2550 B.C. in ancient Egypt, making civil engineering one of the oldest engineering disciplines. [1] If you are interested in a career in construction, a master’s degree in civil engineering will help to add diversity to the types of projects you take on, will expand your skill set and horizons, and can help you get the next step on the career ladder — whether it’s a promotion to the next role or a complete role change.

As a civil engineer, you can design and supervise construction of various types of infrastructure, including roads, airports, tunnels, buildings, bridges, water supplies, and sewage systems. You will need to consider the financial implications, government regulations, environmental hazards, and construction specifics of every project. Specifically, a master’s degree will enable you to be in a strong position to pursue supervisory, managerial or administrative positions, as well as work in design, research, construction, and teaching.

What is this degree for?

If you’re interested in construction — from highways to skyscrapers, railways to water reservoirs, bridges to buildings — a job in civil engineering could be the pathway for you. This professional discipline brings together design, construction, and maintenance, and is part of both the public and private sector. The master’s degree can work towards helping you improve your employability, job security, salary, and career diversity — among other benefits.

  • How do I earn a civil engineering master’s degree?
    There are a number of prerequisites for studying for a civil engineering master’s degree, and they vary depending on the institution. In most cases, you will be expected to hold a bachelor’s degree in a relevant subject — usually engineering — from an accredited university or college. You may also need to have studied specific subjects, including chemistry, mathematics, and physics.
    For some universities, you will be able to enter without an undergraduate engineering degree; however, you will usually have to complete a number of bridge courses at a satisfactory level before your studying can commence.
  • Master of Engineering or Master of Science in Engineering?
    When exploring civil engineering degrees, you must choose between a Master of Engineering or a Master of Science in Engineering. Both degrees follow a distinct path that culminates in a variety of career opportunities. There are several differences between them, though. For example, a Master of Engineering degree is more coursework-based. A Master of Science degree is generally more research-based work.
    Additionally, an MS degree will require a thesis exploring a key focus point. Because of this, it is often the path chosen by those looking to earn a Ph.D. in the future. It can also require a comprehensive examination.A Master of Engineering degree is specifically geared toward equipping students with technical skills and knowledge that can be used on the job and can be a stepping stone to a Doctorate in Engineering degree, if you decide to pursue one. [2] In these programs, you will typically spend a lot more time on coursework than research. You may have to complete a capstone paper based on an engineering project to graduate. Some programs may require an internship, which can be helpful when trying to qualify for the four-year work experience requirement for your PE exam. [3]
Who is a civil engineering degree for?

A master’s degree in civil engineering aims to improve your technical skills and knowledge to help you stand out in the workplace and prepare for a leadership role.

A civil engineering degree is suitable for anyone who wants to work as a civil engineer and has a passion for construction and infrastructure. The discipline of civil engineering can be grouped into seven areas of specialization. [4] These are: [5]

  • Environmental
  • Structural
  • Geotechnical
  • Transportation
  • Water resources
  • Construction
  • Urban planning

Your degree can prepare you to specialize in one of these sectors and pursue a managerial, leadership, or administrative role in either the public or private sector.

Some of those who pursue a civil engineering graduate degree have recently finished undergraduate studies, while others hope to progress further in their field and position themselves for higher wages.

Of all the civil engineering degrees awarded, 29.1% (47,280 in total) were of master’s level. In the workforce, 32.2% (1.27 million) hold master’s degrees in engineering. This is compared with 2.33 million (58.9%) with bachelor’s degrees. As these statistics show, there is a significant competitive advantage to holding a graduate degree, and it can help you to stand out as being advanced in your field and unique in your skill set against millions of others. [6]

Civil engineering is the most popular area of engineering, with more degrees awarded than any other engineering specialization. The average wage for someone working within engineering (in general) is $105,264. [7] For civil engineering specifically, the average pay is $83,540 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The highest 10% earned $132,880. There were 281,400 jobs in 2014 with the sector expected to grow by 8% between 2014 and 2024. Typically, one in four engineers will work more than 40 hours per week. [8] [9]

Why earn a civil engineering master’s degree?

There are a number of reasons why earning a master’s degree in civil engineering is a solid choice. Whether you’re interested in gaining extra training and knowledge, advancing your career prospects, improving your salary potential, or increasing your employability, there are many ways in which a civil engineering postgraduate degree can benefit you.

Employability: The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts 8% growth in employment for civil engineers between 2014 and 2024. [10] Civil engineers have highly sought-after skills that top employers need. A master’s can help you to stand out from other candidates, and any specializations can also help to boost your prospects.

Job security: As a result of these skills, you will also be highly valuable to employers once hired and, therefore, there is a lot more job security when you have a postgraduate qualification. According to The Balance, Civil Engineering ranks 8th on the list of the best master’s degrees for finding a job — which could include roles such as a civil engineer technician or construction project manager. They quote the average growth for this sector at 16%, and having a graduate degree will help you stand out and boost the skills you can offer. [11]

Working with government agencies can afford you a particularly solid job security and work life balance compared with some other engineering roles. It does come with its challenges though — the work is often not as well compensated, challenging, and deadline-driven. [12]

Make a difference: Civil engineering can be a rewarding and valuable career. You could be responsible for building the world’s next tallest tower or creating a bridge that could withstand hurricanes and earthquakes. Or you could create water reservoirs in countries where access to water is problematic. There are a great variety of diverse and interesting ways to make a difference with a civil engineering degree.

  • Career diversity
    Civil engineering is one of the oldest disciplines and covers a wide variety of specialty areas. Whether you decide to work in areas like construction or environmental projects, there is plenty of variety to keep your career interesting and engaging.
  • Salary
    The median salary for civil engineers is well above the median for all other types of jobs. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics puts the median pay in 2016 at $83,540 for civil engineers, with the top 10% earning $132,880. The best salaries in civil engineering were with the federal government, in which the median annual salary was $92,320. This is then followed by working with the local government, then engineering services, then state government, and then non-residential building construction. [13] [14]With a master’s degree, it is possible to improve your salary. Although the potential increase differs depending on the exact job, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that in 2013, according to their research, those with a bachelor’s degree were earning $56,000 while those with a master’s degree were earning $68,000. This meant a $12,000 a year wage premium for studying at graduate level. [15]
  • Job satisfaction
    The civil engineering profession received a 5 out of 5 rating by the more than 900 professionals working in civil engineering who rated it on Payscale. [16] It is an exciting industry that can give its workers a strong sense of satisfaction.
Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering Career Advancement

Depending on your interests and whether you choose a specialization as part of your civil engineering graduate degree, there are a number of career paths you can consider. The industry is showing lots of signs of growth and, therefore, there is a great deal of opportunity for career advancement.

STEM occupations (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) make up a large amount of the workplace share. In 2015, there were nearly 8.6 million STEM jobs, which represented 6.2% of all U.S. employment. Engineers made up 19% of those employed in STEM roles. Mechanical engineers and civil engineers accounted for over a quarter of a million jobs.

It was found by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics that 93 out of 100 STEM occupations had wages above the national average — with the average for all STEM occupations sitting at $87,570. This is nearly double the national average wage ($45,700) for other non-STEM roles. It was found that between May 2009 and May 2015, employment in STEM jobs grew by 10.5% — this equates to 817,260 jobs. [17]

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, it is thought that those working in STEM jobs earn 26% more than their non-STEM counterparts. STEM workers are also more likely to have a degree, with at least two-thirds holding an academic qualification. [18]

For civil engineers, the median pay in 2015 was $82,220 per year and the job outlook is also promising, with a projected 8% growth between 2014 and 2024. This salary is more than double the median for all other workers, which is around $35,080. [19]

What are the types of careers in civil engineering

There are a number of different types of careers and it is very much dependent on what interests you have, what type of courses you have taken and whether you chose to specialize your degree. Some that you could consider include:

  • Average salary: $63,409 per year
  • In a survey of 979 professionals, there was a 5 out of 5 rating for being extremely satisfied with their job. [20]

Civil engineers work toward planning, designing and overseeing the construction of building structures and infrastructure, as well as the maintenance of these structures. This includes working on roads, bridges, railways, power plants, or sewage systems. It requires undertaking technical studies, site investigations, making complex calculations, and using a wide variety of computer software. This is all where a master’s degree can help to give you a significant advantage and ensure you have the advanced skill set needed. [21]

  • Average salary: Anywhere from $77,000 to $134,000 annually
  • More than two-thirds have more than 10 years’ experience
  • Payscale reports that of those reviewed, they all voted as being extremely satisfied with their job. [22]

As a structural engineer, you will be responsible for designing, planning and overseeing the construction of new buildings and bridges, or extending existing structures. You will be expected to prepare advanced reports with designs and drawings, make complicated calculations, and provide technical advice. You will also be expected to have a comprehensive understanding of construction materials. Relevant work experience or a graduate degree can both help to boost your job application when applying for this role, especially at senior level where you will be expected to have an advanced level of commercial awareness, mathematical and IT skills, and project and budget management skills. [23]

  • Average salary: $114,099 annually
  • Leads into roles such as director of engineering, vice president of operations, civil engineer, director of engineering, aerospace engineer
  • Of those polled by Payscale, there was a vote of 4 out of 5 for feeling extremely satisfied. [24]

A mechanical engineer is tasked with the research, design and implementation of mechanical devices, including tools, engines, and machines. That means analyzing test results, making improvements to devices, overseeing the manufacturing process, and applying computer-aided design to mechanical issues. This role requires more technical skills than research skills and may require internships or co-ops to enter the field. [25]

  • Average salary: $89,300 per year [27]
  • The core skills for this that positively affect salary include contract negotiation, Microsoft Project, contractor management, budget management, project management, and scheduling
  • Out of 1453 polled, the ranking for this role was 5 out of 5 for being extremely satisfied. [26]

As a project manager in construction, you are responsible for the planning and supervision of construction projects, including budgetary issues and employee relations. These professionals work closely with architects, civil engineers, and trade workers to ensure that projects are efficiently and accurately progressing. To be successful in this role, you need to have a strong grasp on business, analytical, time-management, and leadership skills. [27]

Where do civil engineers work?

There are a number of sectors in which you could work with a civil engineering postgraduate degree. These include:

  • Construction firms
  • Consulting
  • Government (federal, state and local)
  • Development firms
  • Military
  • Non-residential building construction

Typically as a civil engineer, you will be working in a variety of locations depending on your job role. Often you will spend a lot of time indoors when working on the design aspect, but this may evolve into an outdoor role when you’re monitoring or managing the operations at a construction site or are needed on-site to solve problems. You may also be required to relocate depending on what projects you’re working on. Civil engineers can be responsible for designing, building, supervising, and operating construction projects and systems across both the public and private sectors. [28] [29]

Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering Curriculum

There will be core courses that you will take depending on the program you pick, and these will be built on with concentration electives that will allow you to tailor your degree. These courses are very much dependent on the institution you pick, who will all set their own curriculum. However, for those accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission, there will be a set outline and guidelines that they are following. [34]

The goal of these courses will be to develop in students the ability to apply their knowledge of math, science, and engineering. Based on a survey of several online programs, a Master of Civil Engineering can help you learn to interpret data, conduct fieldwork, explore strength and sustainable design, computational methods, and better understand the field’s best practices.

Additionally, students will learn how to work in teams with a diverse technical makeup, will be able to identify, formulate, and resolve complex engineering problems, and will gain an understanding of the professional and ethical responsibilities that those working in civil engineering must adhere to. The degree will instill in students the ability to communicate confidently and effectively, both orally and in written and graphic communication.

You will be expected to produce coursework that demonstrates an understanding of engineering and its impact both locally and globally. You will also learn about the value of continued learning, will explore contemporary issues relating to the practice of civil engineering and will learn how to use the technical skills and modern engineering tools that you have acquired throughout the course within civil engineering practice. [38]

As part of the curriculum, when you graduate you should be able to apply your knowledge of mathematics to differential equations, chemistry, calculus-based physics and at least one other additional area of basic science. You should also be able to apply this knowledge to civil engineering, be able to conduct relevant experiments and analyze this data, and be able to design a component, system or process within more than one civil engineering context. You will also be expected to be able to explain the basic concepts within public policy, leadership, business and management, and also understand why professional licensure is important. [39]

Some typical courses include:

  • Building environment and science
  • Construction and project management
  • Advanced design of concrete structures
  • Contracts and valuation
  • Construction techniques and equipment
  • Earthquake resistance in the design of building
  • Low-cost housing
  • Construction cost dynamics
  • Electives
    Civil engineering is a particularly diverse area within engineering and, as such, there is much scope for specializing in a specific area for your degree. In order to complete your program, you will be required to take several elective courses. For some institutions, work experience can count towards course credits.It is important that you make your career goals and interests the focus of whichever elective courses you take, as these will stand you in good stead for the future. Having specialist knowledge can help to make you more employable and can increase your job prospects and salary potential.

Some types of electives you may be able to choose from include:

  • Operation research
  • Environmental risk assessment, and hazard management
  • Incentive management
  • Probability, statistics, and optimization techniques
  • Architecture and town planning
  • Environmental impact assessments
  • Civil engineering graduate degree concentrations
    To make your degree particularly valuable, especially if you have a career goal in mind or have already worked within the civil engineering industry, you may wish to specialize your focus. It is important that you consider how this could help to impact your degree and what your personal interests are. When these align together, there is great potential for it to be of benefit to you. It can help to improve your employment prospects and give you a platform to negotiate a salary from.This could see you focusing on:

    • Structural engineering
    • Environmental engineering
    • Geotechnical engineering
    • Water resources engineering
    • Transportation engineering
    • Construction engineering
    • Urban planning engineering
  • Fieldwork
    Some programs, although dependent on the institution, will require you to carry out fieldwork or an internship as part of your program. This may lead into a research project. Fieldwork and internships are a great way of getting practical experiences in which you can apply your knowledge and skills and identify what aspects of civil engineering are most interesting to you. These experiences also give you the opportunity to network with potential employers and other professionals in your field.
  • Studying online
    There is the option at many institutions to study engineering at master’s level online through a virtual learning platform. Often it will be done entirely on the internet, apart from exams which will tend to occur synchronously. It is often exclusively coursework-based.The benefits of studying online include being able to obtain a postgraduate qualification without having to leave your home or job. This is particularly beneficial if you have already been working in civil engineering for several years. You will be able to gain access to the same courses and highly trained faculty staff and professors as if you were studying on-campus.

    You are also able to meet a wide variety of students from all areas of the country, gain specialized technical training, and achieve the same qualification as any other graduate. It is particularly beneficial for those who live in remote parts of the state, who want to keep their job in order to fund their tuition or who can only access instruction asynchronously.

Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering Program Length

The length of an online master’s degree program can depend on a number of variables, perhaps the most prominent of which is the pace at which you choose to study. You can finish a typical master’s degree program in about two to three years if you choose to study full-time, although some accelerated programs may be able to help you finish more quickly.

Online master’s degree programs tend to offer flexibility suitable for students who choose to study part-time. This option will likely extend your time to completion, but it can allow you to study while fulfilling your familial, social, and professional obligations.

You can find more information on this topic at our program length overview page.

Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering Admission Requirements

While each program will set its admission requirements based on its own criteria, many requirements are universal across all programs. No matter where you apply, you can expect to provide items like transcripts from previous degrees or coursework; standardized test scores; a personal statement or essay; letters of recommendation; and an overview of relevant work experience.

In certain cases, some of these requirements may be waived.

For more information about admissions, please visit our admissions requirements page.

Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering Alternative Degrees/Field of Study Options

If you’re not sure whether a Master of Civil Engineering is the right degree choice for you, then now is a good time to be exploring your other options. It is a big commitment to select a program when studying for a graduate degree and putting time into ensuring it is the right one is key. Some other degree programs that you might be interested in exploring include:

  • Master of Engineering
  • Master of Engineering Management
  • MBA/M.Eng.
  • Other specialty M.Eng. programs
  • Master of Engineering and Project Management
  • Master of Engineering in Construction Engineering and Management
  • Master of Civil Engineering Structures
  • Master of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Master’s in Construction
  • Master of Construction Management
Relevant Industry Associations and Organizations?

When conducting your research, you may also be interested to find out more about the various industry associations and organizations that operate within civil engineering. These include:

  • American Society of Civil Engineers [40]
  • Society of Women Engineers [42]
  • National Society of Professional Engineers [43]
  • American Association of Engineering Societies [44]
  • National Academy of Engineering [45]
  • National Society of Black Engineers [46]
  • Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers [47]
  • American Society for Engineering Education [48]
Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering Accreditation Overview

Regional accreditation is the most prestigious type of accreditation that an online or traditional college or university can receive. It is granted only after careful consideration by private, not-for-profit organizations tasked with evaluating educational quality.

Regional accreditation is particularly important if you anticipate that you might want to transfer credits from one online degree program to another or use those credits to pursue another degree. Most regionally accredited schools will only accept credits from other regionally accredited institutions of higher learning.

You can learn more on this topic at our regional accreditation page.

Specialized accrediting bodies

When looking for which degree to choose, it is important to look out for ABET accreditation. It marks your degree program out as being from a college or university that has met nationwide, recognized standards for the profession.

It also means you have been given the best start into the profession of civil engineering. For employers, it will give them assurance that you have received the highest level of training and have all the required technical knowledge and skills.

Most programs are ABET accredited although, generally, it is only for on-campus civil engineering master’s degrees, rather than online distance learning programs. Some employers will specifically look to see whether students have attended an ABET-accredited program as this is a requirement for you to be able to take your exams and gain your Professional Engineer (PE) license. The accreditation will help to boost your professional standing and is useful when building a reputation in the industry.

Even if you don’t think you are going to want a license initially, there is no way of really knowing where your degree is headed or what you may need in the future. Ensuring your degree comes from an ABET accredited institution gives you a little bit of extra peace of mind that you have the required degree if needed. Should you study for a degree that is from a non-accredited university, you will be able to use your degree for research or teaching purposes; or you will be able to practice under the “industrial exemption” clause found in many states licensing laws.

There are two types of commission:

  • Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC) [49]
  • Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) [50]

If you are interested in finding out more about the ABET accreditation, you can do further research on the ABET website. [51]

Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering Licensure and Certification Overview

One of the main reasons why engineers choose to pursue advanced education in the engineering industry is due to state licensure. Typically, graduate degrees are required for achieving licensure in most states. A master’s degree in civil engineering will help you to prepare and qualify for your licensure exams, which will include:

  • Professional Engineer (PE) Exam
  • Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam
  • Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) Exam

Being a professional licensed engineer means you have met the requirements set by the state’s licensing board in three areas — education, experience, and examinations. The exact details for each of these vary by state. PE certification is required if you want to work on state-funded projects, especially those that require significant public safety, such as bridges and buildings. It also means you will be able to stamp or sign engineering documents for public agencies or any firms that offer their engineering services direct to the public. [30]

Licensure isn’t required for teaching positions, but it is encouraged and may open up more practical opportunities for you. [31] While licensure is not required, if you lack it, you may risk being seen as unprofessional, not meeting the ethical standards of the profession, and losing work opportunities. PE licensure can gain professional respect.

In addition to these qualifications, civil engineers may also consider taking their Structural Engineer (SE) exam. [32] This is designed to test your abilities when it comes to practicing structural engineering safely and competently. You can find out more about this on the NCEES website. [33]

History of the Civil Engineering Degree

Civil engineering is one of the oldest engineering disciplines and most historically relevant industries there is. It is believed it first commenced in its earliest practice between 4000 and 2000 B.C. across ancient Egypt, ancient Iraq, and the Indus Valley civilization.

At this time, humans had begun to depart from their nomadic existence and were in need of constructed shelters. It was also becoming more important for transportation to be available. In studying for a civil engineering degree, you are continuing in this long tradition and human need to build sustainable and functional buildings and facilities for future generations. [53]

While civil engineering in principle existed in ancient civilizations, the term was actually coined in the 18th century. In 1756, John Smeaton began construction on the Eddystone Lighthouse and dubbed himself the first civil engineer. A few years later, Smeaton would found the Society of Civil Engineers, now known as the Smeatonian Society. In the coming years, several civil engineering societies would be established across Europe. [52]

By the 19th century, civil engineering had become an established field. In 1819, the first formal education in civil engineering was offered in the U.S. by Norwich University, though the first degree was awarded by the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1835. [53]

Since then, civil engineering education has grown. Today, there are nearly 300 ABET-accredited civil engineering degrees and more than 600 ABET-accredited engineering degrees, which often offer a civil engineering concentration, in the U.S. [54]

Tuition and Fees Overview

There are a number of factors that can greatly affect how much your education will cost. These include whether you attend a public or private institution; whether you attend as an in-state or out-of-state student; and whether you qualify for financial aid like grants or scholarships.

For a more detailed breakdown of tuition, fees, and other financial issues, please visit our tuition and fees page.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Civil engineering courses at the postgraduate level allow students to develop specialist knowledge in a particular area, such as water management, earthquake engineering, maritime civil engineering, environmental engineering, transportation, construction management, and a range of other focus areas. [4]

You should consider factors such as:

Accreditation: Is the program accredited?
Flexibility: Is the program on campus or online? If online, does the institution require synchronous sessions? Or if online, is the program asynchronous?
Student support: What support systems are in place for your success?
Travel requirements: Will you need to pay for additional travel arrangements to meet degree requirements?
Interactive learning: What type of learning management system is used?
Faculty expertise: Do the faculty have a strong theoretical and practical knowledge base in the field?
Fees: Are there any additional fees outside of tuition?

Based on a survey of several online civil engineering programs, for program eligibility you will likely need an undergraduate degree in civil engineering or its equivalent from an accredited college or university.

Admission requirements will vary by program, but typical requirements include a bachelor’s degree, transcripts, a minimum GPA, and letters of recommendation.

Completion usually ranges from 18 to 24 months depending on the program and whether you study part time or full time.

Whether you will need to complete the GRE prior to applying for a program will largely depend on what school you have chosen. There are many programs that do not require a GRE. Check the admissions requirements for your school before applying.

Online synchronous learning happens in real-time. There is a required time that you would need to log in or be present to participate. For example, you would log in to watch a faculty presentation at a specific time or for a live question and answer session. In an asynchronous online format, you are not required to be online at a certain time, allowing you to participate according to your schedule. There will still be due dates, but students are solely responsible for their own time management.

No — attaining management/senior positions is not guaranteed through the completion of a master’s degree. These positions often require many years of experience and a significant level of career achievement. However, an advanced degree can help you develop the necessary knowledge and skills required for these positions and also prove your dedication to the field.

In the next four to seven years almost half of all civil engineers are eligible to retire. Many civil engineers were hired to design and update infrastructure when the Clean Air, Clean Water and National Highway Acts were passed in the 1950s, ‘60s, and ‘70s. Today’s civil engineers will help continue these efforts and address new challenges. [56]

Employment of civil engineers is projected to grow 8% from 2014 to 2024, about as fast as the average for all occupations. As infrastructure continues to age, civil engineers will be needed to manage projects to rebuild bridges, repair roads, and upgrade levees and dams as well as airports and all types of structures. [56]

The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology is a nonprofit organization that accredits computing, engineering, and applied science programs. A college or university should also have regional accreditation. [55]

ABET accreditation ensures that an accredited degree provides the skills and education necessary for employment in the industry.

Accreditations are a strong indication of quality excellence but are also a requirement for students who plan to apply for federal financial aid. Accreditation ensures that your degree is recognized by employers, professional associations, and other accredited institutions of higher education.

SARA (State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement) applies only to distance education programs in the United States that cross state lines. This agreement is made between member states and establishes comparable postsecondary national standards for distance education courses. [57]

Not every state is a SARA member. Through SARA, member states only have to receive authorization in their home state. Without SARA, non-member states would have to receive authorization in their home state and the state of each of their online students. [57]

Every school has a department or team responsible for online education. This department will be able to answer questions regarding compliance for your home state. Additionally, you can locate the school through CCNE or SARA (if it is a SARA institution) to confirm compliance.

